Monday, April 7, 2008

April 7, 2008

Well, I've just spent the entire weekend getting absolutely nothing done. I still have books to get on the shelves, a sink full of dirty dishes, laundry to do, and just general housecleaning stuff that really needs to be done. Instead, I spent most of today in bed, reading. Over the weekend, I read three Mrs. Pollifax novels, plus a Lord Peter Wimsey that I think I read at some point, ages ago, but didn't remember the details and didn't own it, so that's okay.

I started The Lovely Bones, but only got a couple of pages into it. I made the mistake of stopping at Half Price Books on Thursday on my way home, and I have a (smallish) pile of mysteries to read now. Since I have no willpower and know I'll like them, I'll probably end up finishing them before getting back to The Lovely Bones. I'm going to keep track of how many books I read this year, although I haven't set a goal for a certain number. I'm not going book shopping again for a while, though - I need to get through my stack of books I haven't read yet first. I may set some goals re: reading more classics or something like that, but right now, I want to read what I've got on hand.

As far as tracking what I've read, here's a list:

Pillars of the Earth – Ken Follett (started in Dec. ’07)
Thunderstruck – Erik Larson
Mrs. Pollifax, Innocent Tourist – Dorothy Gilman
Mrs. Pollifax Three Complete Mysteries: A Palm for Mrs. Pollifax; Mrs. Pollifax on Safari; Mrs. Pollifax on the China Station - Dorothy Gilman
Murder Must Advertise – Dorothy Sayers

I'll update my What I'm Reading Now list in a minute with the next three or four I plan to get to.

Also, I've found this great site - - that lets you catalog your books (200 for free, but I'm going to have to join because that's just not enough) and also has message boards and some really neat statistical toys about what people have in their library. I've already spent a fair amount of time lurking there, now I just need to get the nerve to join in.

Anyway, I think that's all for right now.

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